Case Study: Say It Now

Transforming lives by making gratitude towards others an everyday part of life.


Say It Now How To Guide
Say It Now How To Guide
Walter Green walked through our door with a powerful idea called Say It Now. Having been to one too many celebrations of life and having undergone a year-long journey to honor the people who’d impacted his life, Walter believed it was time to shift societal norms and make living tributes a part of our everyday lives. This would be his legacy. Our job: to build a movement that would create change.
Our starting point: defining and articulating a powerful purpose that would provide the fulcrum point for the initiative. We then put it into action, starting with a brand platform and identity, drawing from our suite of tactics to launch the movement with the torch bearers of change: educators and their students.
Gratitude expression option


+ Brand platform
+ Brand identity
+ Design and development of website and social platforms
+ Brand video
+ Educational programming for grades K – 12
+ Digital marketing campaign targeted to educators, including leveraging gratitude month and world gratitude day
+ Creation and production of virtual events to launch initiative with educators and students
+ Created a say it now toolkit with how-to guides for expressing gratitude including downloadable resources and templates
+ Launch event at La Jolla, california, with 1,000 students and educators from 3 different schools, featuring Martin Luther King III as guest speaker
Say It Now
How to guide
Say It Now


1M+ expressions

of gratitude reached within eight months, ahead of target deadline

38K schools

participating in the program worldwide

TEDX talk

Walter Green invited to speak about the Say It Now movement at TEDX.


+ Creating and producing virtual professional development and training sessions for educators worldwide

+ Creating and producing virtual events to inspire and inform students

+ Digital marketing campaign to educators

+ Honoring events with schools and educators

+ Social media community management


Working on this project taught me the power of human connection, the importance of appreciating those who have paved the way for us, and the joy of bringing smiles to faces that may have felt forgotten or to whom we have not taken the time to show gratitude. It reaffirmed my belief in the beauty of community, connection and the fulfillment that comes from reaching out and expressing gratitude to those who have given so much.

Arlinda D., Educator, Avondale School, Birmingham (AL)

It sparked so much conversation about old memories that the kids shared. They were all laughing and enjoying the memories. I pointed out how remembering these memories has brought joy and laughter to them, and how great it would be to bring joy to the teachers or people involved by sharing the memory with them and thanking them for the fun times!

Leigh C., Carmel High School, Carmel (CA)

Their stories and expressions of gratitude, shared during our first ever Youth Mental Health Symposium, resonated deeply with all in attendance. As they spoke, tears welled up and hearts swelled with emotion. The students’ presentations were not mere speeches; they were heartfelt tributes, honoring teachers, mentors, caregivers and community activists. The audience was captivated by the authenticity of these young voices as they brought to light the profound influence these unsung heroes had on their lives.

-Brenda M., LAUSD, Los Angeles (CA)